What is horticulture?

Horticulture is the art of cultivating and managing a garden. Since ancient times, horticulture has been recognised as an effective form of therapy, especially for those with mental illnesses. As time went on, this form of therapy was so effective that it was tested with other ailments, experiencing success as well. It was embraced for a larger range of clinical diagnoses and is still used to this day in the US and abroad.

Horticulture has been found to improve people’s moods, as found in a scientific journal. Cardiac rehab patients who were involved in horticulture were reported to have lower levels of mood disturbance compared to those who attended patient education classes.

Another benefit of spending your days wandering Japanese gardens is memory improvement. This may be particularly helpful to the elderly as it helps to decrease fatigue and heighten attention levels which may allow them to spend more time interacting socially with their family and friends. Chronic stress leads to one having a reduced ability to learn and remember, a condition that can be reversed simply by tending to beautiful godetias!

Finally, horticulture promotes growth emotionally. In a world where everyone is virtually glued to their devices, there’s barely anytime left for self-reflection and analysis. By tending to lettuce and herbs, Virginia Tech has found that people may experience an increase in self confidence and esteem, and can also help those with aggressive tendencies or anger management problems. Horticulture can aid people in directing their negative feelings away by promoting a sense of inner peace.



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